Transitional medicine is defined as the field of Neuro-Immunology (PNI), which studies the connection between mind and body. This discipline can be described by its main components--psychoneuroimmunology, which deals with the mind and its effect on the body; neuroanatomy which is concerned with the structure and function of the nervous system, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, which deal with the anatomy and function of the nervous system and neurology.
The sub-fields of this subject are neuroimmunologist who studies the effects of the immune system on the brain and on the behavior; neurophysiologist who studies the structure and functions of the nervous system; neuroanatomist who studies the connections between the nervous system and the behavior and neurologist who study the neurological and behavioral consequences of the brain on the behavior. Transitional medicine is concerned with the interaction between mind and body and it has been recognized by many professional organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the National League of Sports Medicine and the American College of Sports Medicine. You can visit this company to get the best transition medicine center.
In the study of neurological processes it is important to identify the connections between brain function and the functioning of the nervous system. There are three sub-fields of this area of research. Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology include the study of the neural pathways from the brain and to other parts of the body, especially the central nervous system; neuroanatomy studies the structural architecture of the brain and the nervous system, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology also study the functional properties of the brain and nervous system. In neuroanatomy the study of the neurons, which carry information from the brain directly to the muscles, the nervous system, and the tissues, and the function of these neurons; in neurophysiology study of the electrical and chemical mechanisms of neurons and the neurons themselves; and in neurology at the study of the function of the nervous system, brain function, and behavior.
There are several sub-fields which are used in clinical application but most are interdisciplinary fields. There are interdisciplinary studies in brain injury and cognitive impairment, in autism and developmental disabilities, in anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder and psychotic disorder, in asthma and migraine headaches, in diabetic neuroimmunological disorders, in psychiatric diseases, and infectious disease.
There are many centers and hospitals that provide treatments for patients who are in need of transitional medicine services. The Centers of Transitional Medicine like the Care Partners are one of the most popular centers providing a number of services for the patients suffering from neuroimmunological disorders. In the center of Transitional Medicine and Hospitals there are facilities for neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, neurology, immunology and neuroanatomy and neurology, and psychiatric rehabilitation; also in the center of Transitional Medicine there are facilities for psychiatric care, pediatric care, geriatric care, cardiology, and pediatric care, and laboratory sciences, and cardiovascular care.
The most famous center of Transitional Medicine is New York University. This center offers several branches including a Transitional Medicine Department; The Center for Transitional Medicine, the Transitional Medicine Institute and Transitional Medicine Residency Program, The Transitional Medicine Institute, the Transitional Medicine Research Institute, The Center for Transitional Medicine Education, the Transitional Medicine Research Office, the Transitional Medicine Research and Clinical Programs, The Transitional Medicine Clinic, and the Transitional Medicine Research Department. Other major hospitals providing Transitional Medicine services are the New York Presbyterian Hospital, the St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, the Mount Sinai Medical Center, The Mayo Clinic and the Columbia University-Cornell Medical Center.
In some cases transitional treatment may involve an extended period of hospital stay, or an extended duration of surgical treatment and recovery, and so Transitional Medicine requires careful planning and administration by a skilled and experienced professional. A qualified Transitional Medicine Practitionary would be a valuable asset to any Transitional Medicine team. It is important for a Transitional Medicine Practitionary to have extensive experience in both advanced and more specialized forms of Transitional Medicine. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic.